Monday, May 24, 2010

Two Examples of Parallel Programming without Concurrency Constructs (PP-CC)

by Chen Ding, University of Rochester

Design-Oriented Programming: Macro-Driven Literate Programming in Self-Validating PDL

by Joel Vaughn

Specifying Input/Output by Enumeration

by Walter W. Wilson and Yu Lei, University of Texas at Arlington

Focusing on the Core

by Rupesh Nasre, Indian Institute of Technology, Bangalore

Subject/Observer is Dual to Iterator

by Erik Meijer, Microsoft

Dualities in Programming Languages

by Martin Hirzel and Priya Nagpurkar, IBM Research

The Unthinkable: Automated Theorem Provers for (Tracing) Just-in-time Compilers

Nikolai Tillmann, Michal Moskal, Wolfram Schulte, Herman Venter, Manuel Fahndrich, Microsoft Research

A New Java Runtime for a Parallel World

by Christoph Reichenbach and Yannis Smaragdakis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Qualitative Evaluation Criteria for Parallel Programming Models

by Christopher D. Krieger, Andrew Stone, Michelle Mills Strout, Colorado State University

Chaos for a Fast, Secure, and Predictable Future

by John Criswell and Vikram Adve, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Resource-Based Programming in Plaid

by Jonathan Aldrich, CMU

Outfoxing the Mammoths

by Marek Olszewski and Saman Amarasinghe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


FIT 2010 Overview

This year's PLDI in Toronto, Canada features the 2nd FIT session for Fun Ideas and Thoughts. FIT follows in the spirit of sessions held at other conferences that feature Wild And Crazy Ideas (aka WACI). As FIT organizers, we believed that such venues can nurture budding ideas, and evidence has shown that ideas presented in such venues eventually materialize into high quality conference publications.

We evaluated 12 submissions in response to the call for Fun and Interesting Thoughts, and selected 8 for presentation. We received permission to post all 12 submission to this blog. For the presented papers, we will also post the slides after the conference. We encourage everyone to comment on the ideas, but please do so respectfully and critically: convince the reader why your point of view is valid.

We hope that this online forum fosters ongoing discussion of fun and interesting thoughts and in turn provides positive feedback to the authors, potentially leading to new research, collaboration, and opportunities.

Your interest and feedback will make FIT a success.